Finance Options
Money doesn’t grow on trees and for some businesses, the initial cost of solar panels can put them off. There is however another options. At Low Energy Services, we provide something called a Solar PV Power Purchase Agreement.
Your business can take advantage of green energy immediately with a Solar Power Purchase Agreement so that you don’t have to invest in the initial cost of purchasing or fitting solar pv systems. Instead, you can commit, through a PPA, to buying discounted electricity directly from us and the solar panels we install at your commercial property at an agreed upon rate for a fixed length of time. We take care of the rest.
What is a PPA?
A PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is a financial agreement which allows companies like yours to purchase solar energy generated electricity from companies like us with NO UPFRONT COSTS.
This allows you to take advantage of the many benefits of solar energy without having to invest in the initial purchasing and installation costs. It also means that you do not have to worry about the maintenance of the solar panel system as we take care of that as well.
If you would like to know more about Solar PPA then please click the link below.
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