COP27 is fast approaching

For so many of us in the UK,  COP26 was front and centre in the news for weeks both in the build up to and immediately after the climate change conference that was held in Glasgow.

And while it may only seem mere months ago that COP26 was held, we are now only weeks away from COP27 which this year is being held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

The Conference of the Parties is an annual summit held for governments to agree on steps to limit temperature rises globally.  This last year has seen record breaking temperatures and climate related disasters and much like COP26, the importance of what is going to be discussed at the event should not be taken lightly.

With more than 200 governments invited to the event, businesses, charities and community groups, think tanks and faith groups are all also expected to attend to discuss among other things:

  • Reducing global emissions
  • Helping countries to prepare for climate change events
  • Secure funding for developing countries to help tackle emissions

What can we hope for from COP27

We can hope for more positive steps for the world to move towards a common goal of keeping the rise in temperature to below 1.5oC while gaining guarantees from some larger countries in the world such as China, India, Brazil and South Africa to move more quickly away from coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel, and onto renewable energy solutions.


What does this have to do with Low Energy Services?

The power sector accounts for roughly a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions. We need to move away from coal and other polluting forms of energy generation as quickly as possible.  Solar Panels, Battery Storage Systems and EV Charging Systems are ways we can move away from our reliance on fossil fuels. We need to scale up the use of solar power and become more efficient in how we use it and store it with battery storage solutions that can help reduce businesses needs for the national grid and the various coal power plants across the UK.

Find out more

If you want to know more about COP27, you can visit the official website for the event by clicking here.  If you would like to know more about how Low Energy Services can help your business lower its carbon emissions and switch to solar and battery storage, please contact us today.